I received a medal of St. Gerard last December 2006, from Josephine Espano through the internet. She's a devotee of St. Gerard. I didn't expect that she will be sending me one... it was a nice Christmas present! Until now i keep the medal and i always bring it with me.
I would like to share this prayer to those who are trying to conceive, to those who are wishing to have there little angels. We can ask for St. Gerard's intercession together with the Blessed Mother Virgin Mary and with our undying faith to our dear Lord. I believe, there's nothing impossible with him. Miracles do happen. And prayers are still the best thing we can do. Keep the faith.
Novena to St. Gerard
O good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your help. While on earth, you always fulfilled God's designs; help me, too, always do God's holy will. Beseech the master of life, from whom all parenthood proceeds, to bless me with offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life and heirs to the kingdom of God's glory in the life to come.Amen.
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