Today is the day 28 of my menstrual cycle... i'm hoping that i will missed my period and finally pregnant! My period is always on time, i have been always regular. Kung delayed man ako, it's ust up to 31 days, but i think this happend only twice since i started monitoring my menstrual cycle.
Here are some infos that i have read thru surfing the net which i wanted to share about menstruation period and on how to prepare our body for conception and pregnancy...
Menstruation is a natural cycle that almost all women undergo. The purpose of this cycle is to prepare a woman’s body for conception, pregnancy and the delivery of children. The cycle begins on the first day of the menstrual period and goes all the way through till the first day of the next period. This cycle generally take 28-31 days though it may vary somewhat for individual women.
The ovaries produce hormones that prepare the uterus for pregnancy. In addition, the ovaries ripen and release an egg(s) monthly that will travel down the fallopian tubes during ovulation. While this is going on the uterine lining is becoming thicker. This endometrial material will be shed off if conception doesn’t occur. When this happens the menstrual period will commence.
Menstrual periods last generally between 3 and 5 days. They begin, as a rule, in puberty at the average age of 12. Some girls begin their menstrual period as early as 8 and some much later. However, if the onset of the menstrual period doesn’t begin until 16 or later that is called amenorrhea and may be a sign of problems.
Many women occasionally experience cramping, bloating and moodiness in conjunction with the menstrual bleeding. If it isn’t severe, a heating pad can provide relief.
Dysmenorrhea is a condition characterized by painful cramping during the menstrual period that can be severe. This may be a sign of hormone imbalance, fibroids or endometriosis and a doctor should be consulted.
Sometimes abnormal bleeding can occur that is heavy or contains clotting. This may also indicate a problem. In addition, some women have experienced frequent periods that may be a symptom of additional conditions. Menstrual periods will continue throughout a woman’s life until she is well into middle age.
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