Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Battling with Fertility Threats
I've been to my OB the other day (day 4 of my cycle)... for my fertility work-ups again. I told my doctor regarding the pain i had been experiencing for the previous months during my menstrual cycle. She told me it might be symptoms of endometriosis. She had me checked... transvaginal ultrasound and IE. Endometriosis is starting... Oh my! Another fertility threat! Para akong pinagsakluban ng langit at lupa... parang guguho ang mundo ko. Hindi na nga yata matatapos ang pakikipaglaban ko sa infertility issues. Just few days ago i heard one of my friends is on her way to motherhood. Alam ko masama ang mainggit, but i couldn't resist. Can't help but wish that sooner i'll be on my way to motherhood.
My doctor told me that i need to have Luprolex shots for 3 months (every 4 weeks). I was surprised that this injection was so expensive. It costs P5,000 per shot. Parang gusto kong mahulog sa kinauupuan ko upon hearing it. Hubby told me that money does not matter here, what's important is my health and for the sake of having a baby. I can't help but cry... i felt so devastated. I just closed my eyes and prayed... "Lord, we cannot afford such expensive treatments and the like for having a baby. We lift everything to You... and it is only You who can help us with this battle. Make my doctor Your instrument in fulfilling our greatest dream. May Your will be done."
I had my first shot of Luprolex last November 3. I waited for the medicine for almost 6 hours, naubusan ang aking doctor ng stock because just in the morning one of her patients took 2 shots to be brought in Australia. She called one of the MedReps for another delivery. It's not available on pharmacies since its quite expensive and cannot be stocked and cannot be disposed easily. I have to finish 3 shots, my second shot will be on December 1, and last shot will be on December 29. I will be seeing my Doctor after i finished my Luprolex shots and have my menstrual period on day 2 or 3.
I'm keeping my faith high... and patiently waiting. For now, i wanted to forget what i am going through. I lift everything to the Lord. I want to live my life to the fullest... make the best in everything I do. I want to close my ears with criticisms of other people treating me as an incomplete/abnormal married woman. I know they will never understand what I am going through because they have never been there. Hubby just told me last night, "heart, don't cry and don't be sad, malalagpasan natin ito". Thank you Lord for giving me such a wonderful husband... for giving me my source of strength. Sorry if sometimes my eyes can't see how blessed i am.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Begin each day with Folic Acid
The most common neural tube defect is spina bifida. This occurs when part of the baby's spinal cord remains outside the body. The baby may have paralyzed legs and, later, may develop bladder and bowel control problems. The most serious neural tube defect is anencephaly. The baby is born without part of its skull and brain, and eventually dies.
Folic acid also may help lower your chances of getting heart disease and some types of cancers. It may help protect you from having a stroke, as well.
There are three ways women can get enough folic acid. They can choose to:
- Take a vitamin supplement containing 400 micrograms of folic acid daily, or
- Eat a fortified breakfast cereal daily which contains 100% of the recommended daily anount of folic acid (400 micrograms).
- In addition, increase consumption of foods fortified with folic acid (e.g., "enriched" cereal, bread, rice, pasta and other grain products) in addition to consuming food folate from a varied diet (e.g., orange juice and green vegetables).
Enriched Breads and Grains
Breads and grains contain added folic acid.
Serving size is 1 piece.
All kinds of breads, rolls, muffins, tortillas, bagels, nan, pizza rust, waffles, pancakes. Serving size is 1/2 cup.
Rice, pasta, bulgur, barley, millet.
Wheat germ (2 tablespoons).
Fortified Cereals
Excellent sources.
Read the nutrition label on the cereal box to learn how much folic acid is provided. Many cereals, both hot and cold, generally provide 25% of the daily recommended amount of folic acid.
Serving size is 1/2 cup unless otherwise noted.
- Spinach, cooked
- Asparagus
- Turnip greens, cooked
- Artichoke (1)
- Collard greens, cooked
- Orange juice
- Mustard greens
- Broccoli
- Corn, fresh, frozen or canned
- Orange (1)
- Green peas, fresh, frozen or canned
- Beets
- Brussel sprouts
- Parsnips
- Okra, sliced
Serving size is one cup unless otherwise noted:
- Spinach, raw
- Iceberg lettuce (1/4 head)
- Romaine lettuce
- Raspberries, frozen
- Turnip greens, raw
- Celery
- Pineapple juice, canned
- Swiss chard, cooked
- Sauerkraut
- Cauliflower
- Papaya
- Bean sprouts
- Green pepper
- Blackberries
- Tomato juice
- Cantaloupe, casaba orhoneydew melon
- Winter squash, including acorn,
- Hubbard, butternut;
- Baked Green or wax beans
- Italian green beans
- Plantains
- Strawberries
- Cabbage, raw
Beans and Peas
They may be purchased dry, frozen or canned. Serving size is 1/2 cup unless otherwise noted.
- Cranberry beans
- Lentils
- Pink beans
- Adzuki beans
- Black beans
- Chickpeas (garbanzos)
- Pigeon peas
- Great Northern beans
- Black-eyed peas or cowpeas
- Navy beans/white beans
- Pinto beans
- Split peas
- Kidney beans
- Soybeans
- Lima beans
- Tofu, firm
- Peanuts (1 ounce)
- Peanut butter (2 tablespoons)
Protein Foods
- Whole eggs (cooked), one egg
- Liver
Convenience Foods
The following are good to very good sources of folic acid:
- Instant Breakfast (powdered mix added to milk)
- Bean with bacon soup (canned)
- Chili with beans (canned)
- Refried beans, canned or homemade
- Pork and beans or baked beans (canned)
- Spaghetti sauce (jar or canned)
- Lentil soup (homemade or canned)
- Black bean soup (canned)
- Bean burrito
- Frozen waffle (Nutri Grain or Eggo)
Thursday, October 9, 2008
It's a New Day! It's a New Hope!
I was really in pain... pain in my heart and in my tummy (i was having menstrual cramps for 3 days). Well, right now I am doing fine. Acceptance is the key and it's a new day, a new hope for us! I keep praying hard that if it may not be the right time for me, i hope i can accept whatever is really for me. Hubby and I wanted to enjoy every moment... I don't want to think right now of getting pregnant, I don't want to look at the calendar. I wanted to relax and have my daily routine without any stress and pressure. What we do now is eating healthy foods (it may help our reproductive system healthy), exercise and relax, watch movies and teleseryes, and enjoy each others company. We may not have what others have, but i am happy and blessed with what we have. At the end of the day, I know that we have each other to face tomorrows with hopes.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This is an image of infant Jesus in a crib.
I hope i can find this one... though they say that it is better if this is given as a present to couples who wants to conceive. People say that once you have this by your bedside, you will be gifted with a child. Oh! My ultimate wish! It has brought luck to some. I hope this brings good luck to me, too! Baby dust to me and to those who wishes to have!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Gender Predictor – Will Your Baby Be a Boy or a Girl? - Results
Just wondering... i'm hoping and wishing that finally my dream of becoming mother will come true! Dear Lord... i know that YOU know what my heart desires. Let Your WILL be done.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
all about pregnancy issues
We had our merienda before going to the church for Sunday mass. And again, i watched tv. To my surprise, all the evening tv shows i watched was all about pregnancies! Is this a sign... oh here i a m again obsessing.
Rated K is one of my favorite shows, hosted by Ms. Korina Sanchez... one of its segments was talking about 9-month inside mother's womb. How the baby develops inside the mother's womb from day 1 after the conception. It's really amazing how the baby grows inside... and it's really a miracle. Wishing, wishing, wishing for that miracle too. After that show, I switched the channel.
Mel and Joey... again about pregnancy. I watched that there is now a dance for pregnant mothers which is called "sayuntis" (sayaw ng mga buntis). It's like belly dancing, but before doing this dance, you have to get clearance from your doctor. And this usually done after the first trimester of the pregnancy. Another issues discussed was about postpartum depression. I never thought that this is really happening... but based of what i have watched with the interviews, it's really happening. New mothers should be taken cared of just as like the newborn babies. Husbands and new fathers should show how they appreciate and love their wife and should be there in every way to support them.
Sundays wouldn't be complete without watching this TV sitcom... FUL HOUSE! Vic Sotto and Pia Guanio's (Ful and Grace) are married couples having hard time conceiving. Of course I can relate what they were going through especially when they are being teased by the people around them. And to my surprise with their episode last night, Grace (Pia Guanio), after the long wait of conceiving is now finally pregnant! I felt I was Grace and hubby was Ful while watching... for sure i would also be feeling what way when our time comes to be pregnant. I tried to hide with hubby, but really tears rolled unto my face.
Right now, I wanted to keep myself busy... and i wanted not to think about getting pregnant. But how can I? When all I want is to become pregnant... and soon be a mother. I'm keeping my faith high... that soon I will also have that miracle inside my tummy.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
the 2-week wait
Right now, I'm busying myself with work. Though I am thinking to buy PT kit later. I don't know if this is just psychological maybe because I am just sleepy. The symptoms of early pregnancy and when one's about to have her period are almost similar. Here I am again obsessing...
For those who are trying to conceive just like me, let's just keep on praying for a miracle in our tummy. Baby dust!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Follicular Monitoring

I went back to my OB Gyne yesterday for my follicular monitoring (it's the 11th day of my cycle). Good news, the sizes are good and the dominant follicle is on my right ovary. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this will be the month and hoping to have the big fat positive!
Follicular monitoring is done through transvaginal ultrasound. Follicles are fluid-filled sacs on the ovaries that enlarge as eggs ripen. Each follicle contains an immature egg. Each egg in the ovaries is enclosed within a resting follicle. Every day, thirty to thirty-five of these resting follicles begin their eighty-five days of development toward eventually trying to ovulate. At any time, a view into your ovary reveals follicles (with their enclosed eggs) in every stage of resting or growing. There are early primordial, or resting, follicles; there are somewhat larger primary follicles; there are larger pre-antral follicles (which are beginning to form a fluid-filled space); and there are antral follicles, which are just becoming visible under ultrasound at a size of approximately one to two millimeters in diameter. In addition, at midcycle, on day fourteen, there is normally a dominant pre-ovulatory follicle. After ovulation, that follicle becomes a corpus luteum, which begins to secrete progesterone.t is often erroneously thought that just one follicle develops every month, during the first two weeks of the cycle, ultimately culminating in a large, twenty-millimeter follicle from which the egg is ovulated at approximately day fourteen (in a typical twenty-eight-day ovulatory menstrual cycle). Development of this single, dominant follicle every month with its increasing production of estrogen, and the entire regulation of the monthly cycle via the pituitary hormones of FSH and LH, only gives a tiny part of the picture; it only shows what is happening to one egg in an ovary that contains, in a fertile young woman, as many as 200,000 eggs. That one egg that was destined to ovulate, developed as the single dominant follicle out of the thirty or so much smaller pre-antral and antral follicles, which had been developing in the ovary for as long as seventy days prior to the beginning of the current twenty-eight day menstrual cycle.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Starting again Fertility Work-up
So for now, I've finished my fertility pills last night. I have to go back to my doctor on Monday. I hope I'll have enough size of follicles on my both ovaries. I'm hoping and praying that this time will be our luck. I'll keep u posted. 'Til next time! I hope I'll be sharing my own story of success soon!
Baby dust to all those wish to have babies!
Friday, September 5, 2008
Menstrual blues

Today is the day 28 of my menstrual cycle... i'm hoping that i will missed my period and finally pregnant! My period is always on time, i have been always regular. Kung delayed man ako, it's ust up to 31 days, but i think this happend only twice since i started monitoring my menstrual cycle.
Here are some infos that i have read thru surfing the net which i wanted to share about menstruation period and on how to prepare our body for conception and pregnancy...
Menstruation is a natural cycle that almost all women undergo. The purpose of this cycle is to prepare a woman’s body for conception, pregnancy and the delivery of children. The cycle begins on the first day of the menstrual period and goes all the way through till the first day of the next period. This cycle generally take 28-31 days though it may vary somewhat for individual women.
The ovaries produce hormones that prepare the uterus for pregnancy. In addition, the ovaries ripen and release an egg(s) monthly that will travel down the fallopian tubes during ovulation. While this is going on the uterine lining is becoming thicker. This endometrial material will be shed off if conception doesn’t occur. When this happens the menstrual period will commence.
Menstrual periods last generally between 3 and 5 days. They begin, as a rule, in puberty at the average age of 12. Some girls begin their menstrual period as early as 8 and some much later. However, if the onset of the menstrual period doesn’t begin until 16 or later that is called amenorrhea and may be a sign of problems.
Many women occasionally experience cramping, bloating and moodiness in conjunction with the menstrual bleeding. If it isn’t severe, a heating pad can provide relief.
Dysmenorrhea is a condition characterized by painful cramping during the menstrual period that can be severe. This may be a sign of hormone imbalance, fibroids or endometriosis and a doctor should be consulted.
Sometimes abnormal bleeding can occur that is heavy or contains clotting. This may also indicate a problem. In addition, some women have experienced frequent periods that may be a symptom of additional conditions. Menstrual periods will continue throughout a woman’s life until she is well into middle age.Tuesday, September 2, 2008
St. Gerard de Majella

I received a medal of St. Gerard last December 2006, from Josephine Espano through the internet. She's a devotee of St. Gerard. I didn't expect that she will be sending me one... it was a nice Christmas present! Until now i keep the medal and i always bring it with me.
I would like to share this prayer to those who are trying to conceive, to those who are wishing to have there little angels. We can ask for St. Gerard's intercession together with the Blessed Mother Virgin Mary and with our undying faith to our dear Lord. I believe, there's nothing impossible with him. Miracles do happen. And prayers are still the best thing we can do. Keep the faith.
Novena to St. Gerard
O good St. Gerard, powerful intercessor before the throne of God, wonder-worker of our day, I call upon you and seek your help. While on earth, you always fulfilled God's designs; help me, too, always do God's holy will. Beseech the master of life, from whom all parenthood proceeds, to bless me with offspring, that I may raise up children to God in this life and heirs to the kingdom of God's glory in the life to come.Amen.

I googled and searched through internet regarding this, yes, I'm still capable of conceiving! Thank GOD! We just needed proper timing and work ups because of my condition. And I wanted to share some informations i have gathered and learned.
A hysterosalpingogram (HSG) is an X-ray test that looks at the inside of the uterus and fallopian tubes and the area around them. It often is done for women who are having a hard time becoming pregnant (infertile).
During a hysterosalpingogram, a dye (contrast material) is put through a thin tube that is put through the vagina and into the uterus. Because the uterus and the fallopian tubes are hooked together, the dye will flow into the fallopian tubes. Pictures are taken using a steady beam of X-ray (fluoroscopy) as the dye passes through the uterus and fallopian tubes. The pictures can show problems such as an injury or abnormal structure of the uterus or fallopian tubes, or a blockage that would prevent an egg moving through a fallopian tube to the uterus. A blockage also could prevent sperm from moving into a fallopian tube and joining (fertilizing) an egg. A hysterosalpingogram also may find problems on the inside of the uterus that prevent a fertilized egg from attaching (implanting) to the uterine wall.Why is this Done?
A hysterosalpingogram is done to:
- Find a blocked fallopian tube. The test often is done for a woman who is having a hard time becoming pregnant. An infection may cause severe scarring of the fallopian tubes and block the tubes, preventing pregnancy. Occasionally the dye used during a hysterosalpingogram will push through and open a blocked tube.
- Find problems in the uterus, such as an abnormal shape or structure, an injury, polyps, fibroids, adhesions, or a foreign object in the uterus. These types of problems may cause painful menstrual periods or repeated miscarriages.
- See whether surgery to reverse a tubal ligation has been successful.
Transvaginal Ultrasound

I have done this several times already... can't count on my fingers how many times! Oh it's a little bit uncomfortable. The first time I had this, as in sobrang nahihiya talaga ako. The ultrasound test is performed by a registered diagnostic sonographer. For thrice I think, male Sonologist pa ang nag-ultrasound sa akin! I had no choice, because my previous OB Gyne doesn't perform ultrasound in her clinic, it has to be done outside.
Mabuti nalang at ung OB Gyne ko ngayon is also at the same time a registered diagnostic sonographer ... kumpleto ang clinic nya with medtech assistants, so some of the lab tests can be done inside her clinic.
A transvaginal ultrasound is a diagnostic test which gives a magnified view of the cervix, uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes (if visible), the endometrial lining, and surrounding (adnexal) areas. They will use a transducer, or camera, to take high-resolution pictures of the pelvis. The transducer looks much like a wand and is inserted into the vagina. Ultrasonic, or high- frequency, soundwaves are sent out and return to the transducer, much like sonar. Images are created from these "echoes."
For women trying to get pregnant, through transvaginal ultrasound they can pinpoint a ripe follicle or egg that is ready for release (ovulation.) For women taking fertility drugs, oftentimes there are multiple ripe eggs seen on ultrasound. The test is utilized to measure egg size(s) and quality. Women using in vitro fertilization (IVF) as a method of conception will also have transvaginal ultrasounds to check for ripe eggs/ follicles.On the day of the test, you will be asked to empty your bladder before performing the test. You will lie on a padded examining table. The doctor will take the probe, cover it with a condom, and cover that with lubricating jelly, then the little ultrasound scope is inserted into the vagina so they can get a better look around and see things better. It lets the doctor get a better look at your ovaries than with an external ultrasound. The doctor can immediately see the picture on a nearby TV monitor.
For its side effects, I have read that ultrasound is not hazardous and there are no harmful side effects. In addition, ultrasound does not use radiation, as X-ray tests do. You will be able to resume your usual activities.
With my fertility work ups, this is usually done during day 2 of my cycle and between days 12-14 of my cycle. I usually have this twice a month depending on the follicles.
It is a bit uncomfortable to have it in there, but for the sake of having a child, I am willing to do everything!
Monday, September 1, 2008

Clomiphene citrate - this is the first medicine i took when i had my first fertility check up which i think is the most prescribed fertility drug. My very first OB Gyne prescribed this to me without having examined and having some lab tests for me and my husband... the only thing we told her was we want to have a baby! I took this for 2 cycles (June & July 2006) just a year after we got married. I thought i would already get pregnant, but nothing happened.
I've searched through internet about CLOMID... and also wanted to share what i' have read
What is CLOMID?
-Clomid is the medication Clomiphene citrate. It is a hormone used to induce ovulation, to correct irregular ovulation, to increase egg production and to correct a condition known as luteal phase deficiency. Clomid is typically taken in doses from 59 mg to 200 mg, and taken for 5-9 days. Clomid is among the most inexpensive fertility drugs. It is easily taken (orally rather than by injection) and it is the first line drug used for ovulation induction in patients with PCOS and other ovulatory disorders. It has been used for patients with luteal phase defect. It can also be used to assess ovarian reserve (the likelihood that a woman's ovaries can still produce viable eggs). Clomid is not useful for women whose ovaries have reached the end of their working life.
Clomid is a potent and complicated medication. Clomid is reacts with all of the tissues in the body that have estrogen receptors, such as the hypothalamus, pituitary, ovary, endometrium, vagina, and cervix. Clomid influences the way that the four hormones required for ovulation, GnRH, FSH, LH and estradiol, relate and interrelate. While we do not completely understand the mechanisms by which this drug works, in essence it appears that Clomid fools the body into believing that the estrogen level is low. This altered feedback information causes the hypothalamus (an area of the brain) to make and release more gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) which in turn causes the pituitary to make and release more FSH and LH. More follicle stimulating hormone and more luteinizing hormone should result in the release of one or more mature eggs - ovulation.
What are the SIDE EFFECTS of CLOMID?
- Just as women's bodies are so different from one another, their reactions to Clomid vary tremendously. Some women have virtually no side effects. Others do, but they are more frequently related to emotions. Side effects may include mood swings, hot flashes, breast tenderness, thinning of the uterine lining, nausea and vomiting, visual symptoms and abnormal uterine bleeding. About 10 percent of those who use Clomid will have a multiple pregnancy (twins). Clomid can cause hostile fertile mucous and thins the uterine lining in over 30 percent of the women who use it. The hostile mucus kills sperm, and the thin uterine can prevent implantation or cause an early miscarriage.
Most women do not have any symptoms from taking Clomid. Some will have some lower abdominal cramps in the 2nd half of the cycle. Rarely (less than 1-2%) a woman may experience ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome. In this case the ovaries become quite enlarged and grow cysts. If this occurs, the ovaries can cause moderate pelvic pain. There can also be large amounts of fluid secreted into the abdominal cavity. Sometimes the fluid can be so severe that it can cause heart or kidney failure.
---those in bold letters are the side effects that i felt when i took clomid.
the hardest things in my life
Every month was an excitement for me... not to have my period and finally got pregnant! But each time i have my period the first day, would just keep me devastated... crying a river. Hubby would always comfort me, hug me, telling me that maybe it is not yet our time to become parents... to have more patience.
I wanted to share my emotions with this journey. It may be the hardest part of our lives, but with prayers and faith to HIM... nothing is impossible. Miracles do happen. And i would be willing to wait for that miracle and i hope someday i would be sharing my stories of success here.
For those couples that are sailing with us on the same boat, let's keep on praying and have faith in HIM. Baby dust to all those who wants and wishes to have babies!